Discussions on Building Widely Adopted Infrsatructure

August 9, 2017

Every month, a group of engineers at Yelp get together for something we call the "technical roundtable", which is basically a big discussion group on technical topics that are challenging the company. Often, these focus on specific pieces of Yelp's technical infrastructure, but our most recent one touched on time management for mid-level to senior engineers. A lot of the takeaways were initially surprising but obvious in retrospect, so I figured I'd share them with the wider internet.

First, one of our engineering managers talked about the concept of important vs. urgent, which is a common guiding framework for making sure you don't fall into the busyness trap. He also discussed leveraging your time, which Edmund Lau covers really effectively in his book The Effective Engineer. Both of these are useful frameworks, but you can just go read the primary sources to find out more about them.

One interesting concept he touched was the idea of giving up responsibilities as a way to foster organizational health. The basic idea is this: over time it's easy to accumulate a bunch of small, disparate responsibilities like running learning groups which benefit your team/company but are not central to your core job of shipping software. It can be tempting to keep these responsibilities forever, after all, you have the most context on them, and it seems like anyone else who picked them up would only do 80% as well.

Our presenter argued that these types of low-leverage activities are exactly the things that you should be giving up to more junior engineers to help them grow. First and foremost, it frees up your time, so yu can focus on higher-leverage activities for yourself. Second, it'll be a stretch for them, which means that they'll gain new skills and become more productive members of your team. Finally, they'll be able to spend more time focused on that task, so it'll probably get done better in the long run. He closed with a quote from our old SVP who would always ask "can they do it 80% as well as you now? If so, they'll be doing it 120% as well as you in a month", which I felt really succinctly sums up the idea.

The second part of the event was a "point/counterpoint" disccussion, where a variety of engineers got together to discuss the pros/cons of spending our time in various ways. I got placed into the "writing code" breakout group, where one of our infrastructure engineers suggested that it isn't a question of writing too much/too little code, but rather writing the right code and reusing infrastructure where appropriate. This became a question of "how do we make sure everyone knows about the tools that they can reuse so they don't build their own custom solution?"

We discussed the contours of this problem and came up with a few ways to deal with it that feel generally applicable:

A lot of these ideas feel really obvious in retrospect, but it's also really easy to fall into the trap of producing another 60% solution to that just solves your team's version of a problem. It seems like the best solution we've found as an industry is to have infrastructure teams who are incentivized to serve internal developers combined with feature teams which use those tools and make a judgement call about whether they should build something generally applicable or something which just fits their use case. This approach seems to help us get along, but doesn't feel perfect, and I'd love to hear if there are any large software teams which strike this balance really well.

Discussion, links, and tweets

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